Working out with Nike + iPod
After activating Nike + iPod and inserting the Nike + iPod Sensor in your Nike+ ready shoe, you’re
ready to collect workout data.
Before starting any exercise program, you should consult with a physician and have
a complete physical examination. Do a warmup or stretching exercise before beginning any
workout. Be careful and attentive while exercising. Slow down, if necessary, before adjusting your
device while running. Stop exercising immediately if you feel pain, or feel faint, dizzy, exhausted,
or short of breath. By exercising, you assume the risks inherent in physical exercise, including any
injury that may result from such activity.
Work out using Nike + iPod: Open Nike + iPod, tap Workouts, and choose a workout. Data
collection continues while iPhone is asleep.
Pause or resume your workout
If your workout is interrupted, wake iPhone and tap on the lock screen.
Tap when you’re ready to go.
End your workout
Wake iPhone, tap , then tap End Workout.
Change workout settings
Go to Settings > Nike + iPod.