iPhone - Browsing and searching for videos

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Browsing and searching for videos

Browse videos: Tap any browse button at the bottom of the screen, or tap More to see additional
browse buttons. If you’re watching a video, tap Done to see the browse buttons.

See related videos, or

save or share this video.

See additional browse

buttons, or rearrange

the buttons.

Tap a video to play it.

Tap a browse button to see a list of videos.

Change the browse buttons

Tap More, then tap Edit. Drag a button to the bottom of the screen, over
the button you want to replace. Drag a button left or right to move it. When
you’re finished, tap Done.

Browse related videos


next to any video in a list.

Search for a video

Tap Search at the bottom of the screen, then tap the search field.

See more videos submitted
by the same account


next to the current video on the video information screen, then tap

More Videos.